
The seeing of Truth cannot be dualistic (a 'thing' seen).
It cannot be seen by a see-er, or via a see-er.
There can only be a seeing which itself is Truth.

The unfree (those still bound by objectivisation) want an object to be relative reality (relatively existing), i.e. that it should be projected independently of the see-er of it. This is basically dualistic.
But an object is projected via the see-er of it, and the seeing of it is at the same time its projection.

The unfree want two independent processes:

i. The Functioning of Principal localised as an object,
ii.The object perceived by a sentient being, himself an object projected by Principal.
i. The sentient being is himself Subject and Object, i.e. Principal in so far as he IS, as projected object generally interpreted as 'John Smith' in so far as he is an object of perception.
ii. The generalised interpretation of the projection of Principal as 'John Smith' is an object, an appearance only: that which he IS is Principal Whose apparent Functioning subjects him to such generalised interpretation on the part of 'other' generalised aspects of that Functioning that are such as apparently independent objects in space-time.

The unfree wish a projected object, 'John Smith' to perceive another projected object that is independently existing, but 'John Smith', as a projected object, cannot see anything, being himself only a percept. In so far as he can be said to perceive, it is as the Functioning of Principal (that which he IS) that he perceives, and the Function of perceiving by Principal is itself projection ('creation').

Note: 'Projected' here is intended to cover the total process of interpretation whereby a percept becomes a phenomenal object sensorially perceived and conceptualised as such.

(© HKU Press, 1964)

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